Where is a good place to work for teens?
Im 14 right now and im looking for a job.Where is a good place to work for teens just for about a couple hours after school.If you live in fresno,ca please name a couple of places that you know that hires young teens for a good price of working and how much an hour.
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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Your criteria: 1. Work for just a couple hours after school hours are done. 2. good money. Crystal, as anyone working will tell you; if you work for someone you don't make as much as if you work for yourself. Therefore, unless you want to just make minimum wage for your state, which being California may be more than other states like NC which only about $7 an hour, and fourteen year olds are not going to be someone's first pick; I suggest you think about this. I know it takes more effort...but you get what you pay for...and people will pay you what you are worth....and if you do something better than others, people will beat a path to YOUR door. There are tons of people that need help, but don't know how to find it or how to tell if someone is reliable and not going to rip them off. ESPECIALLY SENIORS! Do you know if you are really old, it REALLY hurts to try to clean, and is really DANGEROUS to get up on a ladder to chage lights. Cleaning agencies charge about $40 a visit, and spend about an hour there, to vacume, mop the floors, clean the bathroom, , change the bedding,do the laundry and stuff like that. If you do that, keep your eyes open for things that need to be done, like changing the lights, cleaning out the frig or oven, if you are good at cooking, maybe make a meal while you are there. Giving that extra, makes YOU the person that EVERYONE wants. Don't give any medications, you can remind people to take theirs, or read the lable for them. Pehaps offer to write out their important numbers on a peice of paper big enough for them to see, with nice dark, bold letters at least half an inch high.. Know who to call in case you come and they have fallen and can't get up. Old people are SOOOOO lonely. Part of being really good at helping the elderly, will be in letting them talk, or talking to them...if they want. Seniors are afraid they are going to have their stuff stollen, or be talked ugly to...disrespected...frightened...pushed around. You could easily get a few seniors that would love for you to come every few weeks to do work for them, by putting up a notice at a church close to where you live...or calling the senior center...or going to a few doctors offices and putting up a sign there...or putting an add in your newspaper...or even putting up a sign on your street. Depends on what you like doing. Walk dogs, yard work. Do you drive. Tons of seniors don't feel safe driving anymore. Not only that, they don't have the energy, or cars to go get groceries. You could put up a sign in a grocery store saying that you could do their shopping for them. Do a really good job for one, and word of mouth will soon get you another. Hint, find a way to convince them that you are honest, dependable, and hardworking and you will have more work than you can pick from...at a good price...on your hours...and it will still be a better deal for them than what they can get from "businesses". You could even offer to sit with elderly people, while the family goes out. Nursing assistants for this kind of work charge a lot, it's just a matter of being nice, helping, talking about what they want to talk about, doing a little pick up, clean up work. Pehaps taking them to the toilet...and perhaps if you get really adept, changing a diaper if it is soiled, and cleaning the person up. Make a good impression, by having the surroundings neat, and smelling sweet...don't forget the person, clean clothes, combed hair, shaven, fingernails done even. Crystal, this is an opportunity not only to find a job, make some money, get good references...but to find out a little about who you are in the process. Good luck.
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